Attending School through Sponsorship


Children attending Arthur Engels School Childcare Arthur Engel Schools Playground

After our successful financial contribution to the completion of the Arthur Engels School in Tema, we now want to further support the organization by promoting their sponsorship program. Through this program, children from low-income families are given the chance to access education: for €30 a month, sponsors can cover the costs for kindergarten or school fees for one child. Sponsorships can be provided for the kindergarten (4 years), the school (9 years), or for both periods combined (13 years). There is furthermore a donation fund to support children in case their sponsors need to withdraw unexpectedly. Sponsorships can only be arranged through the organization’s website – we act solely as intermediaries to help promoting this project.

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Through targeted funding, we have significantly supported the successful completion of these projects.

Hand in Hand
Bangkok, Thailand

The Hub Saidek

The project supported "The Hub Saidek" in Bangkok to provide better protection and access to social services for at-risk children. Through renovations and new equipment, the center was optimized to help more children.(grant:10.000 €)

current projects

Here your donation helps the projects of our partners


mental health FIRSTAID

A program which offers mental health support.
Northern Laos

Play and thrive in Laos

We support 87 primary school students in remote Tien Khien with sports equipment to playfully aid their development. The planning in Laos is complex, but we will keep you updated on the progress. Soon, the schoolyard will become a place of joy and movement, so that the children are fit for the future.
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contribYOUte gGmbH
Office Berlin
c/o formes Berlin
Oranienstraße 183
10999 Berlin
Office Hours: Mo-Fr 10am- 4pm
15% of every donation helps to cover our administrative costs.
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