Shelter for street children in Bangkok


First stop in Bangkok after the escape Children doing their homework in front of "The Hub" The station as protection from rain "I don't need empty words from my parents, I need encouragement"

Bangkok´s forgotten children

About 10,000 children live on Bangkok's streets (and the number is rising). Often the train station in the surrounding Pomprab district is the first gathering place for these children. No one who calls this surreal place their permanent home is here by choice. But sadly, their flight from violence, financial family problems, bullying and abuse often turns out to be a dead end in crime, human trafficking, drug abuse or prostitution. Fortunately, these children can find refuge at "The Hub", which was founded in 2011 by the local organization Childline Thailand Foundation. Seven staff members take care of up to 5000 children per year. Shelter, basic medical care, counseling as well as a warm meal, a shower or clothes are the basic building blocks towards a long-term solution to improve the lives of these children. Since we have firmly established education of young people as one of our key points in our outlook for the future, we would like to support "The Hub" for one year through donations and hope for your help.

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Contribyoute original Projects

Contribyoute originals are our very own Projects, implemented with Partners all over the world.

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Bangkok, Thailand

The Hub Saidek

Our help for this facility to protect vulnerable children.
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Sustainable livelihood through beekeeping

Beekeeping as a way to create new job opportunities in a region with high unemployment.
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Kongo, Ghana

Beekeeping for the Future

Beekeeping as a strategy for sustainable income in another community.

current projects

Here your donation helps the projects of our partners


Attending School through Sponsorship

Support young children in order to be able to attend school.
Cebu City, Philippines

Together for Cebu's children

Since 1992, this project has been supporting street children in Cebu City, a city marked by extreme poverty, providing not only hope and education but also a meal through donations.
Koh Phayam, Thailand

A New Beginning on Koh Phayam

A football field and a recycling station to contribute to the social integration of the Moken through sports and sustainability.

Shaping the future boldly

This project provides more than 15,000 vulnerable children with access to education, a way out of hopelessness in a fractured country.

mental health FIRSTAID

A program which offers mental health support.
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contribYOUte gGmbH
Office Berlin
c/o formes Berlin
Oranienstraße 183
10999 Berlin
Office Hours: Mo-Fr 10am- 4pm
15% of every donation helps to cover our administrative costs.
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