Empowering young students for a digital future


IT class motivated students IT class

Grow Ghana

Africa presents the largest untapped talent pool in the world. At the same time, digitalization creates a lot of chances for jobs in Africa. However, most students in rural Ghana did not even touch a computer before Senior High School. To change this, Grow Ghana made it their purpose to empower students with IT and soft skills for a digital future and better income opportunities in Ghana. Grow Ghana is located in Kokrobite where Gifty, the Co-Founder of Grow Ghana grew up and were most jobs are in a low income sector like fruit selling, puplic transport or other informal low income jobs. The unemployment rate in Kokrobite is high and the quality of basic public education, specifically IT, is poor. Grow Ghana teaches the practical skills of what the students learn about ICT in school. This empowers Students to develop and grow as well as getting exposed and pre-qualified for a formal job in the future. At Grow Ghana the believe is, that playful IT trainings with a focus on coding are the ideal tool to unlock and grow vital skills of young students. Support Grow Ghana to build a classroom for IT teaching!

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Through targeted funding, we have significantly supported the successful completion of these projects.

Hand in Hand
Bangkok, Thailand

The Hub Saidek

The project supported "The Hub Saidek" in Bangkok to provide better protection and access to social services for at-risk children. Through renovations and new equipment, the center was optimized to help more children.(grant:10.000 €)
Hand in Hand

Sustainable livelihood through beekeeping

To combat youth unemployment in Ghana, we supported a beekeeping project. 30 young people learned to create new income sources and strengthen the local economy.(grant:10.000€)

current projects

Here your donation helps the projects of our partners


Securing Techalli's future

Support for people with little means in difficult situations of life.

The Happiness Project Ghana

A School for Children in a remote area of Ghana which is initiated by the the belief of education as a key to sustainable development. To demonstrate our ongoing dedication, we have provided monthly donations to this project since 2022.

Can you swim?

Help disadvantaged youth in a region where very few can swim to learn this life saving and healthy sport. To demonstrate our ongoing dedication, we have provided monthly donations to this project since 2022.
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contribYOUte gGmbH
Office Berlin
c/o formes Berlin
Oranienstraße 183
10999 Berlin
Office Hours: Mo-Fr 10am- 4pm
15% of every donation helps to cover our administrative costs.
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