Moken Community Koh Phayam: Football Field Needs Support

Koh Phayam, Thailand

This is what winners look like This is what it looked like before Football unites!

Empowerment and Sustainability for the Moken

The football field for the Moken on Koh Phayam is complete – now it needs more! Thanks to your support, our partner "All for Villages" was able to complete a football field on the small island of Koh Phayam. This project strengthens the Moken community, an indigenous people known as "sea gypsies" who have long been marginalized. But to turn the football field into a fully-fledged community center, important facilities are still missing: Seating: For spectators and players to feel comfortable. A shop: Operated by the Moken to offer local products and create jobs. Toilets: For the comfort of all visitors. These additional facilities will be operated exclusively by members of the Moken community. In this way, we not only promote the integration of this ethnic minority, but also secure a sustainable future for them. Every euro donated helps to take this important step. Let us show together that sport and sustainable development can go hand in hand. Support us in making the football field on Koh Phayam a place of encounter and progress!

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Executing Organization

All for Villages
Project Description

Koh Phayam, Thailand

Project duration
March 25 - completion

Contribyouted so far
1725 €


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