Water for Mfranta

Mfranta, Ghana

The big day Drilling for water connecting the pump Water for everyone

Even in 2022, access to clean water is not guaranteed in many parts of the world. In the remote village of Mfranta in the Eastern Region of Ghana, this was a particularly urgent challenge. The 80 villagers had to rely on water from neighboring villages during the dry season, as rainwater was only seasonally available and couldn't be stored safely. The community lives in simple mud huts and is cut off from infrastructure by a small stream. Most villagers work in cocoa farming and requested our help in building a well to secure their water supply. After careful planning and with the help of local partners, the project was successfully completed. A specialist identified the best location, and the necessary materials were procured. The challenge of bringing the drilling truck to the village was overcome with the support of a bulldozer. After two days of drilling, Mfranta finally had access to clean water. The community celebrated this moment with great joy and gratitude. Thanks to our support, life in Mfranta has been significantly improved. The successful construction of the well is the first step towards better infrastructure and quality of life in this remote community.

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Executing Organization

contribYOUte & Amediewu Honey Foundation

Project Description

Mfranta, Ghana

Project duration
3 months

5500 €


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