Opportunities through education and pad sewing workshops


Manufacturing Education Education


The cloth pad project was about more than just sewing pads. It was about international cohesion, the elimination of stigmata and the social and economic empowerment of women and menstruators. In the Lionne workshop in Kpalimé, eight seamstresses produce reusable cloth pads. In addition, trained Lionne counselors sell the pads and inform their customers about the female cycle. Six villages in Togo were visited for the educational work and to spread the project idea. Sensitizations about sexuality and menstruation as well as pad sewing workshops were carried out. In total, a reproductive health specialist, an awareness officer, a seamstress, a coordinator and two assistants were on the road. The costs included bus rental, fuel costs for the trip to the six villages and food and drink for the employees for the six stays. We were able to cover the travel expenses here.

download full project report in german


Through targeted funding, we have significantly supported the successful completion of these projects.

Hand in Hand
Bangkok, Thailand

The Hub Saidek

The project supported "The Hub Saidek" in Bangkok to provide better protection and access to social services for at-risk children. Through renovations and new equipment, the center was optimized to help more children.(grant:10.000 €)
Hand in Hand

Sustainable livelihood through beekeeping

To combat youth unemployment in Ghana, we supported a beekeeping project. 30 young people learned to create new income sources and strengthen the local economy.(grant:10.000€)

current projects

Here your donation helps the projects of our partners


Educational opportunities for disadvantaged children in Togo

One year of school fees and school supplies for 9 kindergarten children and 8 first grade students.
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contribYOUte gGmbH
Office Berlin
c/o formes Berlin
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10999 Berlin
Office Hours: Mo-Fr 10am- 4pm
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