The Hub Saidek

Bangkok, Thailand

During our visit in December 2023 Our support works (May 2024) The kitchen is being renovated (May 2024) Our friends

The Hub Saidek

The project in the Hua Lamphong district of the 16-million-strong metropolis of Bangkok, carried out in collaboration with our longstanding partner, the Childline Thailand Foundation, has now been successfully completed. The facility, which has been addressing the needs of vulnerable children according to the United Nations Convention for over 11 years, has seen significant improvements through our support. During our visits in the winter of 2023/2024, we identified the urgent needs on-site and subsequently decided to optimize our partner's work sustainably. Thanks to our contributions, 'The Hub Saidek' was able to renew the necessary equipment and create a more supportive and innovative environment for the community. The renovation of existing facilities, replacement of outdated equipment, and the creation of new workspaces, kitchens, dining areas, as well as collaboration spaces for children and staff, have been successfully completed. As a result, 'The Hub Saidek' can now reach a larger number of street and homeless children, ensuring that every child in Bangkok has access to timely and appropriate protection, healthcare, and social services. With the completion of this project, we have made a significant contribution to improving the quality of life for these children.

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Executing Organization

contribYOUte & The Childline Thailand Foundation

Project Description

Bangkok, Thailand

Project duration
3 months

10.000 €


Through targeted funding, we have significantly supported the successful completion of these projects.

Hand in Hand

Sustainable livelihood through beekeeping

To combat youth unemployment in Ghana, we supported a beekeeping project. 30 young people learned to create new income sources and strengthen the local economy.(grant:10.000€)
Hand in Hand
Kongo, Ghana

Beekeeping for the Future

In impoverished northern Ghana, we funded a beekeeping training program for 30 women with support from the Schmitz Foundation. The goal was to empower them through beekeeping and create income sources to boost the local economy.(grant: 10,500€)

current projects

Here your donation helps the projects of our partners

Koh Phayam, Thailand

Moken Community Koh Phayam: Football Field Needs Support

The football field is finished! Now, further help is needed to advance the construction of seating, toilets, and a shop. We're staying on the ball!
Cebu City, Philippines

Together for Cebu's children

Since 1992, this project has been supporting street children in Cebu City, a city marked by extreme poverty, providing not only hope and education but also a meal through donations.
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contribYOUte gGmbH
Office Berlin
c/o formes Berlin
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10999 Berlin
Office Hours: Mo-Fr 10am- 4pm
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