About 10,000 children live on Bangkok's streets (and the number is rising). Often the train station in the surrounding Pomprab district is the first gathering place for these children. No one who calls this surreal place their permanent home is here by choice. But sadly, their flight from violence, financial family problems, bullying and abuse often turns out to be a dead end in crime, human trafficking, drug abuse or prostitution. Fortunately, these children can find refuge at "The Hub", which was founded in 2011 by the local organization Childline Thailand Foundation. Seven staff members take care of up to 5000 children per year. Shelter, basic medical care, counseling as well as a warm meal, a shower or clothes are the basic building blocks towards a long-term solution to improve the lives of these children. Since we have firmly established education of young people as one of our key points in our outlook for the future, we would like to support "The Hub" for one year through donations and hope for your help.
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