A boat for a better life


The boat is here, the lessons can begin Sebastian visiting Laos in 2024 School children playing A new coat of paint during the holiday season

River Book Boat

The Democratic People's Republic of Laos is the only landlocked country and at the same time the most sparsely populated country on the Southeast Asian continent. It is characterised by the combination of mountain ranges and cut river valleys, as well as the fact that about 50% of the country is covered by dense forests. Often, the Mekong River and its tributaries are the only transportation alternative to the poorly developed road network, which is particularly important in the northern part of the country, with a population of 7 million inhabitants. The inaccessible terrain makes it extremely difficult to gain access to a reliable source of water and sanitation. This lack of access to clean water and toilets is the breeding ground for many childhood illnesses. Due to the impact it has on the health and well-being of the children, school attendance is significantly reduced and learning opportunities are diminished. Twice a month the "Ou Book Boat", or the boat of the British NGO "Baraka Community Partnerships" together with its local partner "CLI", reaches 44 villages and their schools alongside the 390 km long "Nam Ou" river in order to fight these problems. In addition to the distribution of daily hygiene items (soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes etc), there are also regular education campaigns on how to deal with the lack of clean water and sanitation facilities. The book boat also provides books, pens, pencils and notebooks as well conducting a variety of fun and educational sessions for the children.

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Executing Organization

Baraka Community Partnerships
Project Description

Laos, Nam Ou river region

Project duration

Contribyouted so far
3160,69 €


Through targeted funding, we have significantly supported the successful completion of these projects.

Hand in Hand
Bangkok, Thailand

The Hub Saidek

The project supported "The Hub Saidek" in Bangkok to provide better protection and access to social services for at-risk children. Through renovations and new equipment, the center was optimized to help more children.(grant:10.000 €)
Hand in Hand

Sustainable livelihood through beekeeping

To combat youth unemployment in Ghana, we supported a beekeeping project. 30 young people learned to create new income sources and strengthen the local economy.(grant:10.000€)

current projects

Here your donation helps the projects of our partners

Koh Phayam, Thailand

Moken Community Koh Phayam: Football Field Needs Support

The football field is finished! Now, further help is needed to advance the construction of seating, toilets, and a shop. We're staying on the ball!
Cebu City, Philippines

Together for Cebu's children

Since 1992, this project has been supporting street children in Cebu City, a city marked by extreme poverty, providing not only hope and education but also a meal through donations.

Shaping the future boldly

This project provides more than 15,000 vulnerable children with access to education, a way out of hopelessness in a fractured country.

mental health FIRSTAID

A program which offers mental health support. To demonstrate our ongoing dedication, we have provided monthly donations to this project since early 2024.
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contribYOUte gGmbH
Office Berlin
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