Please enroll me to school!


Children of the Punjab region School lessons A smile ist the best thank you A class

Please enroll me to school!

Just under half of Pakistan's population is under the age of 18. Although boys and girls represent such a large majority of the country, their rights are violated in all areas. Children live in extreme poverty and have to work hard to support their families with the money they earn. A large number of them live on the streets and make a living there. According to recent UN reports, Pakistan currently has the world's second highest number of children not attending school. Despite many serious measures taken by the Pakistani government, the number of children who have to work has now swelled to 3.3 million.The local NGO "AWARD" was founded in 1994 and set out on a mission to motivate and raise awareness of the importance of education. Their project focuses on especially on communities in the Punjab region which have a high number of street children. Cooperatives are formed with schools that offer free education including the cost of stationery supplies, books and uniforms. Children who are registered in the program are enrolled in the nearest schools. It is hoped that this will reduce child labor, increase literacy rates and encourage the government to increase enrollment of children on a " needs basis". A few euros will ensure that a child is enrolled in school, and a few more will help to buy teaching materials. We want to support this program with you for one year and give as many children as possible the chance to exchange a life on the street for a life in school.

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Through targeted funding, we have significantly supported the successful completion of these projects.

Hand in Hand
Bangkok, Thailand

The Hub Saidek

The project supported "The Hub Saidek" in Bangkok to provide better protection and access to social services for at-risk children. Through renovations and new equipment, the center was optimized to help more children.(grant:10.000 €)
Hand in Hand
Northern Thailand

Food support for addicted ethnic minorities

The project supported a detoxification center in the Mae La refugee camp, which is dedicated to treating addiction problems among the Karen minority.This helped the people on the ground to improve their quality of life.(grant:15.000€)

current projects

Here your donation helps the projects of our partners


Attending School through Sponsorship

Support young children in order to be able to attend school.
Cebu City, Philippines

Together for Cebu's children

Since 1992, this project has been supporting street children in Cebu City, a city marked by extreme poverty, providing not only hope and education but also a meal through donations.

Shaping the future boldly

This project provides more than 15,000 vulnerable children with access to education, a way out of hopelessness in a fractured country.

mental health FIRSTAID

A program which offers mental health support.
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