The safe way to school


Kids of a Karen community on their way to school Education means future. Karen kids at school When school is over Preschoolers of a Karen community

School bus program

High in the north, along the border with Myanmar lies Mae Hong Son, one of the poorest of Thailand's 77 provinces. Embedded in wild mountainous terrain and partly inaccessible jungle lives the Karen communities, an ethnic minority that has been subjected to human rights violations and persecuted for decades by Myanmar military dictatorship, before fleeing to Thailand. Today they are among the "mountain peoples" of Thailand. Resources are not allocated to the area, which is why communities live without clean water, electricity and lack of infrastructure. Due to the lack of government support, the region has a low number of children enrolled in school. This is mainly due to its inaccessible geographic location and the long distances each child must travel to get to school. The Karen Hilltribes Trust is an international organization working to improve access to education for children and youth of marginalized Karen communities. They work together with the communities to find sustainable solutions. And to ensure access to school for remote villages, they designed a school transport service that is safe and cost-effective and makes sure that every child can access education. Many children would be forced to drop out of school without this vital service because there is no affordable, accessible and safe way for them to get there. Help keep this important service going by donating. Let´s make education accessible for everyone!

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Through targeted funding, we have significantly supported the successful completion of these projects.

Hand in Hand
Bangkok, Thailand

The Hub Saidek

The project supported "The Hub Saidek" in Bangkok to provide better protection and access to social services for at-risk children. Through renovations and new equipment, the center was optimized to help more children.(grant:10.000 €)
Hand in Hand

Sustainable livelihood through beekeeping

To combat youth unemployment in Ghana, we supported a beekeeping project. 30 young people learned to create new income sources and strengthen the local economy.(grant:10.000€)
Hand in Hand
Kongo, Ghana

Beekeeping for the Future

In impoverished northern Ghana, we funded a beekeeping training program for 30 women with support from the Schmitz Foundation. The goal was to empower them through beekeeping and create income sources to boost the local economy.(grant: 10,500€)

current projects

Here your donation helps the projects of our partners

Koh Phayam, Thailand

Moken Community Koh Phayam: Football Field Needs Support

The football field is finished! Now, further help is needed to advance the construction of seating, toilets, and a shop. We're staying on the ball!
Cebu City, Philippines

Together for Cebu's children

Since 1992, this project has been supporting street children in Cebu City, a city marked by extreme poverty, providing not only hope and education but also a meal through donations.
Sri Lanka

Love and aid for humans and animals

The 50plus program combines animal welfare with social support for seniors. Rescued dogs are placed with needy seniors, who thus receive a companion. In return, there is monthly support.

Shaping the future boldly

This project provides more than 15,000 vulnerable children with access to education, a way out of hopelessness in a fractured country.

mental health FIRSTAID

A program which offers mental health support. To demonstrate our ongoing dedication, we have provided monthly donations to this project since early 2024.
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contribYOUte gGmbH
Office Berlin
c/o formes Berlin
Oranienstraße 183
10999 Berlin
Office Hours: Mo-Fr 10am- 4pm
15% of every donation helps to cover our administrative costs.
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