The wealth gap between rich and poor in the Philippines is vast. Because many families lack money, children have to contribute to their livelihood from an early age. In addition, the daily lives of many of them are shaped by their parents' addiction to alcohol, drugs or gambling. Beatings and sexual abuse are just two of the many consequences. Escape often seems to be the only option and so it is not surprising that more than 1.5 million children live on the streets of Philippine cities. According to estimates, there are more than 80,000 children alone living on the streets of the metropolitan area of the capital Manila. To fill their growling stomachs, they beg, steal or engage in prostitution. Together with our Philippine partner "Childhope Philippines", we are committed to alleviating the suffering of these children as much as we possibly can. Every week the traveling soup kitchen of the local organization reaches a number of children to provide them with essential food. Only a few Euros are enough to fill many hungry stomachs. It can be so simple, be a part of it!
Through targeted funding, we have significantly supported the successful completion of these projects.
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